Vlad “Zuumy” Shurigin: You Have One Life to Live


I am honored to have had the opportunity to work with Vlad “Zuumy” Shurigin. I have followed Zuumy for as long as I can remember on Instagram. Always thinking to myself I hope one day I can have the talent and experiences he does. His work has always caught my eye with his ability to perfectly match a car with the surroundings. Something about the photos make it feel as if I am experiencing a different aspect of the car you normally wouldn’t. I appreciate Zuumy taking the time to talk to me and answer some questions I have always wanted to ask him. His answers come from a truly genuine and humble place. If you are into photography or just want to live a better life Zuumy has some answers that will help you achieve bigger and better things! Don’t forget to comment, like, and share with a friend. Also, comment your favorite Zuumy picture below!

Tell me a little about yourself.

I am currently living in New York City with plans of moving to LA. I moved here when I was 4 years old from Ukraine and have lived in NYC my whole life. I try to be a very real person; I try to stay as genuine as possible and really just love life. I’m happy for every experience life brings me and try to maintain a positive outlook. I want to make others feel welcomed around me and empowered. I want to motivate people to be the best versions of themselves and show people that they can achieve anything they set their minds too.

Who or what got you into photography?

So, it’s a funny story I don’t normally talk about, but I actually needed to take an elective class in college, and I wanted to take the easiest class possible. “Photography” was my choice, and I absolutely hated it, I didn’t understand why anyone would enjoy doing this, and I almost failed. On the last day of class, my professor told me that he printed one of my photos and has it hung up in his house. He told me that it had great composition and colors and that he really thinks I have an eye for this stuff. That sentence resonated with me and got me thinking that maybe I do have an eye for it. That same day I got my first camera and started shooting.

Did you go to school for photography?

I took two classes in college for photography. Those two classes really helped me understand the basics.

How long have you been a photographer?

I started taking photos in 2012, so 10 years now.

What gear do you use?

I currently shoot with a Sony A7R4 and a variety of lenses ranging from 14mm Sigma 1.8, 24-70mm 2.8 Sigma, 35 1.4 Zeiss, Sony G 90mm 2.8, 70-200 2.8 G master.

Do you think gear actually matters?

To an extent I believe yes it does matter. I think lenses matter a lot more than what body of camera you are using, but there’s definitely a difference when it comes to Megapixels and Full frame sensors. However, composition and lighting play the biggest role in photography.

Do you have any tips for someone getting into car photography or photography in general?

Honestly the best tip I can give is learning the basics, shoot for free until you think you can at least charge $100 for a photoshoot, and just really going out and taking as many photos as you possible can. The best way to get better is to shoot, and keep shooting. Create a style that is unique to you, something that will help you stand out and something that will help you build your brand.

Is it possible for someone to make a living doing photography?

Absolutely, it’s all about your hunger and drive. Networking skills play a huge role in being a successful photographer. You need to network and meet as many people as possible and make sure they remember you, so that they can hire you for any future projects that they may have.

Following up on that answer, what are some skills or things people should do to network better and more often? Confidence, interpersonal skills, having a business card, etc.

I think the best thing for networking is getting out there and shooting, going to events and introducing yourself to everyone and making sure to tell them what you do. The more you’re out and about the more chances you’ll fall into something. You won’t find work sitting at home that’s for sure.

What type of photography is your favorite automotive, lifestyle, commercial, or travel?

My favorite photography is honestly automotive, that’s why I spend as much time as I do on it. To this day every car I take photos of excites me. I think second would be a tie between lifestyle and travel.

Do you like more full car shots or more macro details shots?

I think I like full car shoots, capturing a car in a cool environment is very rewarding to me.

Have you ever had imposter syndrome? If so, what do you do to overcome it?

I actually had a talk with my friend about this the other day. Sometimes yes, I do get it. I have a lot of people reach out to me and complement my work and I try to remain as humble as possible. I sometimes am very hard on myself when it comes to editing and photos. I may think something isn’t that good or could be better, meanwhile in someone else’s eyes it’s like the best photo they have ever seen. I think the only way to really overcome this is to remind yourself where you started and see how far you have come.

Who or what inspires you now that you have been shooting for a while?

Honestly my inspiration comes from inspiring other people. I personally enjoy how my photos make people feel and I love when others see my photos and get inspired to create their own. I love the type of lifestyle I have been able to make for myself. Through showcasing my journey, I know people get inspired to want to live a similar life and chase their dreams. My sole goal is to inspire as many people as I can to achieve any goal or dream that they may have.

What are some of best and/or worst parts of being a photographer?

I think the best part of being a photographer is being able to capture a moment in time and freeze it forever. The way photos make people feel when they look at them also, like seeing a car you created in a photo can be rewarding.

The worst part is money, I hate charging for photos, and I just want the experiences from all my photoshoots, but this world revolves around money and sadly I can’t pay my bills with exposure and experiences.

Along the lines of the question above but in a more general sense, is there anything about the photography world you don't like? The competitive nature, the constant comparisons, etc.

I don’t like people who are gatekeepers. That’s a very big problem in this industry where everyone thinks they are in competition with everyone. Which to an extent I understand but still, I think there’s a lot of people that block people from opportunity and growth because of selfishness.

In your opinion, what makes a photo good or bad?

I honestly debate this all the time and it’s a hard one. Photography is art so there really isn’t a good or a bad photo, it’s all opinion based. If I had to say something is bad then I would just be looking at the photo from a technical aspect, composition, lighting, colors, settings used to shoot, etc.

How would you define success as a photographer?

I think my success is defined through experiences. It’s never been about the money for me, and I know a lot of people measure success through money. I think the number of companies I have been able to shoot for and the types of adventures and memories I have define my success.

In your opinion, what city that you have been to has the best car culture?

Honestly this is a very hard question to answer because every city has something unique about its car culture.

What is your process for finding new and cool locations to shoot?

I personally really pride myself on my ability to discover new and unique photoshoot locations. I will sometimes just drive around the area I know I will be shooting in and look for backdrops that look like something on par with what I want. Google maps is a photographer’s friend, look for an industrial area, water fronts or bridges.

What is your opinion on photography versus other creative outlets like video?

I think they are equally important in telling a story, and sometimes I think video is easier to tell a story with because there’s multiple moving parts. If you’re able to tell a story through photos than that should be a very rewarding feeling. I just recently started taking video more seriously and there is definitely a learning curve.

With you mentioning that you are starting to get into videos more, I noticed you have a YouTube channel with some vlogs, your set up and more. Do you have any plans of doing some in depth how to's on how you edit your pictures, or maybe even how to's for different aspects of photography?

I think my YouTube channel is going to mainly focus on my photography trips and showcase some bts from shoots, showing what locations I was at and how the photos turned out. I don’t really want to sit and teach people how to edit because every Photoshoot situation is unique. From lighting to colors to environment.

What is your favorite shoot you have done vs the shoot everyone else thinks is your best?

This is interesting because I have so many shoots that I think are my favorite. One shoot that I hold close to my heart is this Black Huracan I shot for 1016 Industries during SEMA in 2019. Shooting in the desert in Las Vegas is one of my favorite places. Just being in the middle of nowhere by yourself with an amazing car and knowing that it’s just you and the car. Plus, the beautiful scenery as far as the eye can see. It’s so peaceful and liberating. I think every shoot somehow overpowers the one before because you’re always learning something new. They say your first 10,000 photos are your worst.

When you go out on a shoot do you have a certain routine for each type of photography (automotive, lifestyle, etc.)? Or maybe not with the photography but always with a certain drink or song or something to get you in the right headspace?

Not really, I kind of just go and figure it out as I go.

What are the best and worst things someone can do when working with a client? Let's client take too much control, over charges, etc.

Make sure you know your worth, don’t undersell yourself but definitely don’t overcharge either. Make sure you are both comfortable with your price and what you must deliver. You want to figure out what your client wants, but don’t give them to much control, you are the creative and you should be in charge. It’s your art.

What mode or settings do you most commonly use? Or what settings or skills do you think every photographer should focus on and learn more about?

I shoot in manual, and I would recommend everyone else do the same. I think every photographer should hone their composition and lighting skills consistently.

What programs do you use for post processing your photos? What is your editing workflow?

Every photo goes into Lightroom for selection and color grading. Then some make it to photoshop to clean up things or remove things.

How do you come up with your pre-sets?

I try to come up with a basic edit that would work well in different lighting situations, almost like a base for any situation that you can then build your edit on top of.

Advice for photographers trying to grow their audience. (Personal website, word of mouth, IG, Twitter, etc.)

Consistency and making sure you have something unique about yourself that will make you stand out. Ask yourself why someone would want to follow you. Maybe have something to offer like something educational.

I would lose my car guy card if I didn’t ask what kind of car you drive? Or what is your dream car?

I currently drive a 2020 Aston Martin Vantage, which believe it or not was my dream car at one point. My ultimate dream car is a CLK AMG GTR 55 or Senna GTR. Something about those cars just screams cool and menacing.

Do you have any passions/hobbies outside of photography?

Traveling for sure, I love to explore the world and meet new people and have new experiences. I also have a passion for fashion.

With you mentioning traveling as one of your passions outside of photography. I have five quick travel questions:

What are some of your favorite places you have visited?

My favorite place I have visited would have to be Dubai, it was at the top of my bucket list for a very long time, and I was able to check it of last year. I was able to capture some amazing photos and see a world so different from our own.

What places do you think everyone should see before they die?

I think everyone should visit Italy as a whole but Venice especially before they die, I think the history and scenery is just breathtaking. Some of my favorite memories were in Italy. From exploring to meeting amazing people. I mean the city might not be there forever, so I would go asap.

Top travel tips for someone who isn't an experienced traveler.

My travel tips would be to do a lot of research before your trip so you know exactly where you are going and what you will be doing each day. I suggest getting lost responsibly, making sure you know how to get back to where you need to be but still exploring.

Any stories from your travels that you would like to share? Maybe a trip that was beautiful, maybe a travel experience that went downhill fast, or anything else.

One of my favorite memories was from my trip to Italy during Covid. I was doing an exotic car rally from Croatia to Malta through Italy and on our trip, we decided to stop in Venice. It was one of my favorite memories because Venice was empty, and it was so beautiful. I was able to capture some amazing images and just the thought of being in Venice without a single soul around, the calm water was just breathtaking. For as long as we live that will probably never happen again. So, I am super grateful for that memory.

Do you typically travel for work / to take pictures to “make money”, etc. Or do you try to use travel as a way to take a break from photography and just experience new things and take a break?

I usually try to do both. If I can work on my travels, I am grateful. But I am an experience person, so for me just traveling and meeting new people and capturing amazing images is rewarding enough. It’s not always about the money. I live my life through experiences. Life is so short, and I’d like to experience as much as I can.

If someone wanted to get a shoot done from you, how should they contact you? What would that process look like?

I’m very selective of what I shoot and who I work with now, so honestly the best way to reach me is by email if you’re serious about a project. I have a hard time keeping up with DMs on Instagram and miss them all the time.

Where do you see yourself in the next few years?

I see myself further along with my photography career, doing more of what I love and having many more amazing experiences.

Do you ever reflect on how far you have come as an individual/photographer? Moving to the US at a very young age with your parents now becoming a highly successful photographer that many other photographers look up to.

Yes, all the time, it’s really what keeps me grateful and humble. I remind myself how far I have come all the time. I remind myself that I used to dream about being exactly where I am right now and that I must appreciate every day and every moment.

Any final thoughts or pieces of advice for aspiring photographers or someone who has been doing photography for a while but wants to elevate their career to the next level?

Just be consistent and treat everyone you meet with respect no matter who you think they are, you never know who can help you. It’s not always about what you know, sometimes it’s about who you know. So, take networking very seriously. Make sure to shoot as much as possible, try new things, don’t be afraid to fail. Take on things you normally wouldn’t. Say yes to new opportunities, you never know where you can end up.

Link Garage

Follow Zuumy On

Personal Website: Zuumy.us

Instagram: @Zuumy

Tik Tok: @Zuumyy

Youtube: Zuumy

Facebook: Zuumydesigns

Email: Vladshurigin@gmail.com

Auto Care Supplies: black11.co

Links to gear mentioned in the article:

Camera: Sony A7R4


14mm Sigma 1.8

24-70mm 2.8 Sigma

35 1.4 Zeiss

Sony G 90mm 2.8

70-200 2.8 G master

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links. This means that, at zero cost to you, I will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.


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