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Other Gateway Rides Other Gateway Rides

Rusted Memories

A junkyard is more than rusted metal scattered and intertwined with the ever-growing forest around it.

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Other Gateway Rides Other Gateway Rides

Why You Should Drive You Ride No Matter What

Every car person has the innate desire to go faster, build something better than the last car, make a thousand horsepower, the list goes on and on. These desires are just hardwired into car people; it really has nothing to do with what other people have and everything to do with one upping yourself and hitting that next goal.

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Other Gateway Rides Other Gateway Rides

What Is A Project Car?

Is a project that car that adrenaline rush of watching the tree turn from amber to green as you feel the tires claw for traction?

Is a project car that satisfaction gained from watching people’s heads turn as you drive past?

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Other Gateway Rides Other Gateway Rides

Past and Future of Gateway Rides

I wanted to push myself and try something I had no experience with or knowledge of. During those days I would spend countless hours scrolling through various car pages, and this made me think, why don’t I start my own car page. I have always had a deep passion for cars and talking to others about their cars. I spent days thinking if I would grow, if it were a waste of time, how does running a page even work.

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